Posted on 10/23/2019
Every vehicle has four primary types of filters that perform very simple, yet important functions. As the term implies, they filter out dirt, debris and impurities that can otherwise contaminate vital automotive components and hinder performance. Here's what you need to know about your vehicle's different filters, according to the Colorado Springs auto repair experts at LightHouse Automotive: 1. Oil Filter This is probably the filter that most car owners are most familiar with because it needs to be changed the most often. When a standard oil change is performed, the oil filter will be replaced along with any oil in the reservoir. This ensures that fresh oil is running through the engine components and providing the necessary lubrication and cooling properties. It's important to change the oil fil ... read more
Posted on 10/16/2019
We often take our cars for granted, but owning a vehicle is a big responsibility. Whether you bought a cheap used car or have an expensive vehicle that you got brand new, it needs regular maintenance to keep it running right. At LightHouse Automotive, we call it "preventative maintenance" because it is done to help prevent major automotive damage while improving vehicle performance and driver safety. Here are 8 of the most important vehicle maintenance tasks that need to be done regularly, according to our top mechanics at LightHouse Automotive: 1. Oil Changes Motor oil is the lifeblood of the engine. Without enough clean oil flowing through all the different fast-moving engine components, major internal damage can happen. That's why it is so vital to change the oil and the oil filt ... read more
Posted on 10/9/2019
Charissa's car was due for an oil change. Rather than one of the quickie lube places or the expensive dealership, she decided to give LightHouse Automotive a try this time. She couldn't have been happier with the experience. Just check out her recent online review! "I got my oil changed at LightHouse Automotive, and all around, it was a wonderful experience," Charissa says. "I really appreciated the job well done, but also the staff is so kind and thoughtful." Whether you are visiting LightHouse Automotive for major auto repair needs or a preventative maintenance service like an oil change, tire rotation or brake service, we treat you and your vehicle with the respect and care you deserve. We want to get you in and out of the shop as quickly as we can, so you can get ... read more
Posted on 10/2/2019
Though it's something we hope you never experience, there's no worse feeling than when you try to start your car and it won't fire up. Whether it's struggling to start up or the engine won't turn over all, it's time to seek professional help from a mechanic that can diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. Sometimes it's a simple part that needs to be replaced. Other times, it's something more significant. Here are some of the most common reasons why a car won't start, according to the Colorado Springs auto repair experts at LightHouse Automotive: 1. Starter/Ignition System There are different types of ignition and starter systems found in vehicles made throughout the years, and each has different components that can fail. Problems to look for may be a failing ignition switch, starter motor, ignition coil, distributor cap or spark plugs. The ... read more