Check Engine Light in Colorado Springs, CO
Here at LightHouse Automotive in Colorado Springs, we are here to help when you see your vehicle’s check engine light turn on and are not sure what to do. We know that it can be concerning to have a check engine light warning, and our goal is to help you resolve the issue quickly. Our Colorado Springs check engine light shop uses state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to ensure that the exact issue is discovered and that your vehicle is repaired correctly the first time around.
When your vehicle’s check engine light turns on, think of it as your car letting you know that it has detected an issue. Your vehicle is equipped with a computer system that is connected to different sensors that monitor the performance of different components. When a part isn’t working correctly, the computer system will detect this and turn on the corresponding warning light on your dashboard.
The only real way to understand the problem that your vehicle detected is by using computer diagnostics tools. These tools will plug into your vehicle’s computer to essentially read the code that triggered the warning. This code will point our expert mechanics in the right direction of where the issue is happening and we will be able to then physically identify the issue.
The mechanics here at LightHouse Automotive are ASE certified professionals who have undergone rigorous training and testing to provide you with the best service possible. We strive to create lifelong relationships with our customers, which is why we are transparent, honest, and fairly priced. We also back most of our repairs with an outstanding 36 month or 36,000 mile warranty, so you can have peace of mind knowing that we will always repair your vehicle correctly the first time around.
If you need Colorado Springs check engine light repair, bring your vehicle into LightHouse Automotive today or give us a call for assistance.