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Category Archives: Car Care Tips

Classic Carburetors vs. Fuel Injection Systems

Classic Carburetors vs. Fuel Injection Systems

There's a simple equation that explains what powers your car's engine:  Fuel + Air = Combustion Gasoline or diesel is obviously the fuel in this equation, but many people overlook the importance of the air intake when it comes to the health and performance of their vehicle. First, it explains the need for a clean engine air filter. You should have your air filter checked with any automotive maintenance service visit and replaced if it is getting dirty. Otherwise, it will hinder the air flow and/or air quality being taken in, which both will impact the overall performance of your engine in negative ways.  Second, you need a system that controls the air intake and allows just the right amount of air into the engine at just the right times. This is where you'll either have a carburetor or a fuel injection system. L ... read more


Car Care Tips

How Well Do You Know Your Car's Different Fluids?

How Well Do You Know Your Car's Different Fluids?

Just like your body, your car has a number of different fluids running through it to keep it healthy. Specific fluids are used for lubrication to keep all the vehicle’s vital components moving freely and to prevent major internal damage. If you notice a leak under your car, it helps to understand the different types of fluid. There is some maintenance you can do on your own, while most automotive fluid issues should be handled by a professional auto repair shop like LightHouse Automotive. Let’s take a look at your vehicle’s fluids and what each of them does: 1. Engine Oil The oil in your engine is obviously very important, which is why you get your oil and oil filter changed every 3,000-5,000 miles as recommended. It keeps all the internal engine components properly lubricated. It is easy to ... read more


Car Care Tips

9 Fall Car Care Tips for Colorado Drivers

9 Fall Car Care Tips for Colorado Drivers

  The fall season is upon us. The leaves are turning colors and the weather will only get more unpredictable as we head into winter in Colorado Springs. Having your vehicle in good shape is important when you live in a place with four distinct seasons. With some simple maintenance steps, it will perform better and you will be safer as a driver. As we get into fall and start preparing for winter rain and snow, here are some Colorado car care tips from LightHouse Automotive for you to follow: 1. Replace Your Windshield Wipers Visibility is so important when it's raining, snowy or foggy out. Make sure your windshield wipers are working well, and get them replaced if needed. 2. Check Your Headlights Headlights are also vital when it comes to visibility. As the days get shorter, you need good headlights. Make sure yours are bright and the housings are clean for opt ... read more


Car Care Tips

How Are Your Tires Doing?

How Are Your Tires Doing?

Summer is almost over, which means it's time to get ready for fall and winter weather here in Colorado Springs. When it comes to your safety as a driver, few things are as important as your tires. If the treads are getting low and starting to go bald, now is the ideal time to get new tires. Here is a tire tread test you can do yourself. It's called the "penny test" and it's really easy to do. Take a normal penny (some say a quarter is even more accurate, but either coin will give you a basic idea). Turn it upside down and stick it in the middle of your tire treads. If there is any space between Lincoln's head and the tread, then you are getting dangerously low. Remember that your tires may not be wearing evenly, so it's a good idea to check them all in case one is lower than the rest. If you fear that your tire treads are getting low, bring your vehicle into LightHouse Automotive ... read more


Car Care Tips

Is it Time for an Air Conditioning Tune-Up?

Is it Time for an Air Conditioning Tune-Up?

We're in the middle of the summer and we're using our air conditioners more than usual. Before long, the seasons will change and you'll need your car's heater and defroster to be working well. Your vehicle's air conditioning system is very important to your personal comfort (and sometimes safety) all year round. The summer is a great time to get your air conditioner and heater checked out and tuned up as needed. First, let's look at some of the common signs you might have heating or air conditioning problems:      • Air not as cold or as warm as you want it to be.     • Defroster taking too much time to clear windows.     • Unpleasant smells coming from vents.     • Air conditioning only works when car is in full motion ... read more


Car Care Tips

The Importance of Exhaust System Maintenance and Repair

The Importance of Exhaust System Maintenance and Repair

Your catalytic converter, muffler and exhaust system are very important parts of your vehicle. You always want to make sure they are taken care of and performing properly. Your life could be on the line! What the Exhaust System Does Ultimately, a good exhaust system will keep your car running smoothly. It performs a vital function to divert harmful exhaust fumes from your engine. If the exhaust isn’t working right, bad things can happen. The engine can deteriorate. Even more scary is the potential for carbon monoxide building up in the passenger cabin, which can be deadly. In addition, an effective exhaust system will reduce emissions and can even improve your fuel economy. So when it comes to exhaust and muffler repair and maintenance, count on the experts at LightHouse Automoti ... read more


Car Care Tips

8 Helpful Car Care Tips for Summer Travel

8 Helpful Car Care Tips for Summer Travel

Can you believe it's already July? Summertime is here and it is such a great time of year to be in Colorado Springs. We are so blessed to have all four seasons here, and we always look forward to some summer sunshine. It's also the time of year when many people pack up their cars, trucks and RVs to hit the road for vacations. Whether you are visiting Colorado Springs or about to head out of town on your own travels, LightHouse Automotive has prepared these helpful summer car care tips. 1. Pay Attention to Gas Mileage There are pros and cons to long summer road trips. On one hand, highway driving will usually give you better gas mileage than day-to-day city commutes. However, you may also be carrying larger loads in your vehicle (more passengers, luggage or even trailers being towed), which can also affect your mileage. Always keep a close eye on your gas meter so you don't ... read more


Car Care Tips

When is it Time to Get New Brakes?

When is it Time to Get New Brakes?

We get this question all the time at LightHouse Automotive. Customers want to know when it's the best time to get new brake pads or brake rotors. The truth is, there is not a "one size fits all" answer when it comes to brake repair and replacement. There are many factors that go into brake wear. Therefore, it is important that you get your brake pads, rotors and fluid inspected regularly and replaced as needed. The general rule of thumb says you'll probably get your brake pads replaced every 50,000 miles. However, some brakes may wear out after only 25,000 miles. Some may last up to 75,000 miles. If you are driving and hear a lot of screeching, squealing or squeeking every time you come to a stop, it may be a brake problem and you'll want to have it checked out as soon as possible. You never want your brakes to fail! Here are some common factors that af ... read more


Car Care Tips

Understanding Your Vehicle's Factory Maintenance Schedule

Understanding Your Vehicle's Factory Maintenance Schedule

We perform a lot of routine maintenance at LightHouse Automotive. Customers know they can count on our Colorado Springs auto repair technicians to perform the necessary maintenance services, along with any other automotive repairs that need to happen.  It is important to have regular maintenance done in order to ensure the performance of your vehicle over time. You will want to understand the factory maintenance recommendations provided by your manufacturer. If you have your owner's manual, you can easily look up the recommended maintenance schedule in there. Every vehicle will have slight different schedules to follow. Different factors include the age of the car, the make, the model and even the oil type. For instance, synthetic oil usually needs to be changed less often than standard oil. It all comes down to following the specific recommendations for your car, though ... read more


Car Care Tips

Car Care Tips for Colorado's Rainy Season

Car Care Tips for Colorado's Rainy Season

  It's that time of year in Colorado Springs. Snow is no longer an issue, but we will get some rain. That means more humidity in the air and wet roads, both of which can put extra wear and tear on your car. LightHouse Automotive has compiled these rainy season car care tips that will help you maintain your vehicle's performance while also staying safer on the road. 1. Keep Your Windshield Clean Mud, dirt and bugs can build up quickly when it's raining out, not to mention the rain itself providing less visibility. Make sure you keep your windshield clean and that your windshield wipers are working well. New wipers can make a major difference. Also, check your windshield washer fluid and top it off if needed. 2. Wash Your Car and Apply a Fresh Coat of Wax This is especially important on older cars with older paint jobs. It may seem like a pointless endeav ... read more


Car Care Tips
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