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May 2, 2017
It's that time of year in Colorado Springs. Snow is no longer an issue, but we will get some rain. That means more humidity in the air and wet roads, both of which can put extra wear and tear on your car. LightHouse Automotive has compiled these rainy season car care tips that will help you maintain your vehicle's performance while also staying safer on the road.
1. Keep Your Windshield Clean
Mud, dirt and bugs can build up quickly when it's raining out, not to mention the rain itself providing less visibility. Make sure you keep your windshield clean and that your windshield wipers are working well. New wipers can make a major difference. Also, check your windshield washer fluid and top it off if needed.
2. Wash Your Car and Apply a Fresh Coat of Wax
This is especially important on older cars with older paint jobs. It may seem like a pointless endeavor to wash your car in between storms. However, rain, mud and humidity can really damage old paint, so keeping the car clean and freshly waxed will keep your car's paint looking good.
3. Check Your Tires
Test tire pressure and make sure your tire treads are at adequate levels to handle wet roads. Be sure and have your tires rotated every 5,000-6,000 miles and check wheel alignment for optimal performance and even tread wear.
4. Don't Forget to Clean Underneath Your Car
This is typically the most overlooked aspect of vehicle maintenance. When the road is wet, a lot of dirt, grease and grime will get kicked up. It can impact your brakes and weaken drivetrain performance, so you want to keep the undercarriage as clean as possible. This kind of job is best left to professionals, though.
5. Maintain Battery Life
Driving in the rain will put extra strain on your battery. You will use your headlights more, the wipers will burn energy and sometimes it takes longer for your car to start or warm up in the morning. It's worthwhile to have your battery tested and replaced if it is getting too old.
6. Inspect Seals and Belts
Door, window, engine compartment and trunk seals can weaken when exposed to excess moisture, which can lead to leaks. Inside the engine, fans, belts and hoses can slip when they get wet. Take your car to an expert to make sure everything is running smoothly.
These are just some of the important tips to consider when dealing with Colorado's rainy season. At LightHouse Automotive , we want your car to always be running at its best and for you to have the safest driving experience. For your spring car maintenance and automotive repair needs, call LightHouse Automotive today at (719) 465-0302 or schedule a service appointment online.
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